Here to Climb
w/ Sasha DiGiulian
Photos for Denver Westword

World class climber Sasha DiGiulian straps on her climbing shoes prior to her first climb of the day.

DiGiulian is known for making multiple first summits and first female summits on some of the world's most famous big walls.

DiGiulian (left) and trailblazing climber, Lynn Hill (right), partake in warmup climbs in Boulder Canyon in Boulder County, CO.

Many of Digiulan's climbs are done on sheer rock faces.

This 200-foot wall is nothing compared to the 2,800 foot Logical Progression, which DiGiulian became the first female to free climb in 2021.

DiGiulian has been climbing since she was six-years-old, and has since become one of the most recognizable faces in the sport.

DiGuilian invited Westword to climb with her and Hill ahead of the world premier of her autobiographical documentary, Here to Cimb.

DiGiulian assess the wall for her next move.

DiGiulian is a RedBull athlete; HBO alongside RedBull Media House produced the film 'Here to Climb.'

The rapids of Boulder Creek flow as DiGiulian ascends her chosen route.

Many of the holds are thinner than the width of a quarter.

Many of the holds are thinner than the width of a quarter.

As DigIulian ascends her route, she keeps her body close to the wall to help her balance.

Pink fingernails are a staple of Digiulian's brand.

DiGiulian climbed alongside trailblazing climber, Lynn Hill, who most famously made the first female ascent of El Capitan's, 'The Nose' route.